Count Blessings Not Calories

Counting calories distracts you from your purpose, regardless of body size. It’s part of the oppressive system of diet culture. If we’re busy focusing on these units of energy we are not focusing on our purpose, and diet culture profits off that. How many hours have we spent talking about calories? How many relationships are really just echo chambers for self-deprivation and disordered thinking?

I’m OVERRRRRR the diet talk. Let’s intentionally change the subject with people we love. Lets talk openly about our personal experiences with noticing diet culture and wanting to do better for ourselves and loved ones. Let’s focus on real-deal-badass-warrior-goddess-vibes instead. Lets build each other up and talk about the vulnerabilities behind the calorie talk! Let’s notice our patterns of diet talk and see what else there is to explore.

If you know how many calories you ate today and not how many blessings you have, marinate and think about that. Spend some time considering gratitude, other things you value, and what you want to spend your time focusing on.

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♥️ My Therapy thoughts are for educational purposes only and are not a replacement for a therapeutic relationship or individualized mental health or medical care.

Therapy and tacos for all,

T. Roe
